Summer Loving

I’ve never experienced a European summer before. Well, not properly, anyway. I did the requisite 2-year stint as a backpacker in London but the first year I was working 2 jobs (temp. secretary by day and West End usher by night) and the second year I was running a theatre at the Edinburgh Fringe and barely saw daylight for 2 months.

And besides, everything is different in the countryside. I was amazed at the big bloom that occurred in the space of a couple of weeks in April. Beautiful!  And then everything just kept growing and blooming. 

In the garden

And man, do things grow. In our rented house we have a very lovely but fussy garden (that’s us above in the front garden). One for grown-ups, not a family with 2 small children. We couldn’t pull up any of the roses/lavender/many other unknown varieties of flowers, so we have added some pots instead. And today, wonder of wonders, our first tomatoes are ready. Hooray hooray!

Julian and Georgia have been tending them carefully over the last few months:

Georgia watering the tomatoes

We shall have a celebration of our small harvest tonight!

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